telepath / com.github.giedomak.telepath.datamodels.graph / PathPrefix


data class PathPrefix (source)

This model is used for defining a search-query.

It needs at least a pathId to know the edge labels along the path we are querying. It also has a constructor where nodes can be given as params. These nodes will be a prefix of the path, and don't need to have the same length as the edges plus one.

Example: Luuk - knows - Giedo - drinksWith - Schaap. We have a pathId which corresponds to the array ["knows", "drinksWith"]. If our pathPrefix only has this pathId, it will query for all tuples which are connected through these two edges. When we have ["Luuk"] as the nodes property. It will query only for tuples which have "Luuk" as its first element.

See for the implementation in PathDB.



PathPrefix(pathId: Long, nodes: List<Node> = emptyList<Node>())

Creates a PathPrefix with only the list of edges known through the pathId.



val nodes: List<Node>

Ordered list of nodes along the path we want to restrict our query with.


val pathId: Long

The ID given to a specific Path. We can use the PathIdentifierStore to get the list of edges.